Global Wildlife Trade – Its Reasons and Dangers

The wildlife trade has emerged as a new threat to wildlife lovers as well as conservationists. The wildlife trade has reached the dubious distinction of being next to drug smuggling. The discrepancy is alarming and according to estimates by global bodies such as W.W.F, UNO, IUCN, CITES, the annual estimate of this illegal trade is between $10-20 billion. This estimate is very worrying.

Unfortunately most of the wildlife-rich areas of the planet are located in Wisata Makassar or developing which grapples with many other problems. Corruption, indifference of officials, poverty, greed and complete disregard for other live animals are factors that continue the supply line of the wildlife trade.

Big animals like elephants, tigers, bears,leopards, otters, crocodiles, musk deer, wolf, host of marine animals, snakes,turtles etal are killed globally to support this ever rising demand of wildlife parts.Tiger’s parts are in great demand in South- Eastern countries as some false unfounded notions about the effects on health are fuelling demands for these parts. One can buy tiger skins in these parts with a little persuasion. The cost of this extremely high.It is noticed by certain investigative agencies that the growing economy of these nations are compelling the demands.

It was further came to agencies knowledge that there is huge demand of leopards skin owing to the dwindling population of tigers. A huge number of seizure of leopards’ skins from time to time indicate the gravity of the problem. Leopards skins on display in these south- Asian nations is a common sight.

These animals killed are mainly in Indian forests and are smuggled through Kathmandu to Lhasa in tibet and other cities.These skins are in great demand for showing one’s economic worth and for fashion purposes. This is highly unfortunate that animals are killed for beautifying our bodies.

See Also:  Trekking in India - An Adventure Sport

Other animals mercilessly killed are Bears for its gall bladder, musk deer for a pouch of chemicals named as musk, reptiles, amphibian for varied vague & weird objectives. Interestingly interpol’s wildlife illicit crime wing held special patrolling in September- October, 2010 in 51 countries as “RAMP” to check illicit trade in reptiles & amphibians and resultantly wildlife matter worth Euro 25k was captured. This is immensely dangerous for survival of animals on planet earth.This shows how much this menace has spread globally so wildlife trade has now a achieved serious significance and is threat to the survival of animals on planet earth.

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